Every year during Ramadan, Buhaira Corniche wore a festive air. After following a rigorous fasting regimen throughout the day, the faithful liked to break their fast and have their ‘Iftar’ meals on the lawns edging Buhaira Corniche. Towards evening just before the ‘Maghreb’ prayers whole families used to spill out of large SUV’s, unfurling reed mats out on the lawns and unpacking large baskets overflowing with food.
Soon lawn chairs and BBQ grills would to be set up along the spots which promised the best views of the fireworks display slotted for the night. After settling down on their little patch of lawn, the men would roll out their prayer mats and offer Maghreb prayers. The ladies meanwhile were busy laying out the Iftar meal. Children could be seen playing tag with each other, or roller skating along the cement pathways next to the lawns.

After their Iftar meals people could be seen milling around gaily decorated ice cream vans parked at regular intervals throughout the Corniche. Walking under the date palms festooned with green and blue fairy light people would stop by cloth tents selling jewelry, knick knacks and toys. Balloon sellers dotted the lawns with their vivid helium balloons.
Finally a spectacular fireworks display lit up the heavens and marked the end of another wonderful evening spent on the Corniche lawns enjoying an Iftar meal with our global family.
Pic Courtesy : Gulf News / aus.edu
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